MIGRAIN: Semiotics blog tasks

 Part 1) English by Tarun Thind analysis

1) What meanings are the audience encouraged to take about the two main characters from the opening of the film?

At the beginning the audience can see through the characters appearances and actions that they may be troubled teenagers and the audience are urged to hold onto that idea as the teens actions continue further.

2) How does the end of the film emphasise de Saussure’s belief that signs are polysemic – open to interpretation or more than one meaning? 

de Saussure`s belief is emphasised that signs are polysemic at the end of the film through the reveal of how one of the main characters is deaf and the other character is only trying to protect him and keep peace. This is because the audience now have mixed views or interpretations on  the characters compared to the start of the film, proving de Saussure`s belief.

Part 2) Media Magazine theory drop: Semiotics

1) What did Ferdinand de Saussure suggest are the two parts that make up a sign?
The signifier and the signified

2) What does ‘polysemy’ mean?
There are multiple meanings for a word.

3) What does Barthes mean when he suggests signs can become ‘naturalised’?
How certain interpretations of something are eventually disregarded and not considered an interpretation anymore.

4) What are Barthes’ 5 narrative codes?
Enigma code, Action code, Semantic code, Symbolic code, Cultural code.

5) How does the writer suggest Russian Doll (Netflix) uses narrative codes?
It is suggested that Russian uses narrative codes through its title symbolising a russian doll and how eventually it will reach the end.

Part 3) Icons, indexes and symbols

1) Find two examples for each: icon, index and symbol. Provide images or links.




2) Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?

They help give consumers an idea or interpretation on a current topic.

3) Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?

Some brands may avoid using symbols simply due to them not having any relevance to their products, therefore creating a form of false advertising.

4) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) where the producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning using icons, indexes or symbols. Why did the media product fail? (This web feature on bad ads and marketing fails provides some compelling examples).

A good example of an advert communicating a bad and wrong message is the Yorkie "not for girls" campaign where the chocolate was advertised as simple not suitable for the consumption of a female, which is a sexist remark and a poor attempt at a gimmick.

5) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) that successfully uses icons or indexes to create a message that can be easily understood across the world. 

An example of a good use of an icon is the logo of Burger King, this is because its simply a burger, the whole point of the company in the first place.


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