MIGRAIN assessment 1 - learner response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: I like your answers to the first 10 questions –particularly you are having a passion and desire to work in the film and TV industry - this always helps if you are passionate about industries attached to the subject. I am impressed with your high expectations of your desire A* grade.
EBI: I understand you had a delayed start compared to the rest, but you have almost caught up with the blog work. Two key areas to improve here: firstly, some of your work is missing or unfinished and it’s important to make sure you are organised and fully completing work. Make sure you post the Reading an Image, Genre, and Narrative blogs as soon as you can. On a side note, try and develop your exposure to reading newspapers to ensure you are receiving a variety of newsworthy content.
1.Todorov: disequilibrium suggested by gun; character eyeline looking off-screen suggests
3) Read this exemplar response from a previous Year 12 (an A grade) - note this was a slightly different paper in terms of the question wording and also had an additional question 4 (we've updated it to better reflect recent exams). Identify at least one potential point for questions 1-3 from this student's paper that you could have mentioned in your assessment.
1. The enigma of the element of violence
4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.
Todorov, Equilibriums
5) Identify your weakest question and write three bullet points that would improve on your original response. Use the mark scheme and exemplar paper to identify these points - particularly focusing on the anticipated content and the top level descriptors
- Better analysis of the poster
- Better use of terminology
- Needed more theories
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