MIGRAIN: Introduction to Representation

 Read the Media Magazine feature 'Representation old and new'. This is in MM51 on page 6 - go to our Media Magazine archive to find the article. Complete the following tasks:

1) Why is representation an important concept in Media Studies?
When something is shown, it is a new interpretation and not the original, therefore making the requirement of a

perfect re representation so there are no issues with the public.

2) How does the example of Kate Middleton show the way different meanings can be created in the media?
The photos are re presented, giving them a new meaning than the original.
3) Summarise the section 'The how, who and why of media representation' in 50 words.
With who and how, it is important to know the exact character of the person as it could potentially determine the way and differentiation in representations of a topic or story, and how its told. Why too is important as it tells of either care or interest in profit only.
4) How does Stuart Hall's theory of preferred and oppositional readings fit with representation?
|How readers will typically form their own opinions and views from a piece of media no matter the story or their experience.
5) How has new technology changed the way representations are created in the media?
Newer technology has exposed this day and age of society to the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion on a story or just any piece of media in general.
6) What example is provided of how national identity is represented in Britain - and how some audiences use social media to challenge this?
When during the 2014 world cup, The Sun sent 22 million free copies of their paper glorifying English references, and how many people on social media decided to distance themselves away from The Sun as they dont like to be associated with such symbolisms
Watch the clip from Luther that we studied in class (Season 1, Episode 1 - minute 7.40-10.00 - you'll need your Greenford Google login to access the clip). Now answer these final two questions:

7) Write a paragraph analysing the dominant and alternative representations you can find in the clip from Luther.
From the Luther clip, the dominant representations are seen through the main character of Luther who is portrayed as an antagonist by how the producer constructs his entrance. The main chase scene at the start, shows the impulsive and violent side of men that everyone believes are masculine traits. We are able to find out that his superior is white reinforcing traditional ideologies when it came to the status quo. As the clip develops, we are able see that the victim is a small girl who is reinforced to be one of Todorov's character  princess who is the damsel in dress. The alternative representation om the other hand is reinforced by the police who are illustrated as unworthy through their irresponsible actions towards the death accusations. Luther, the main character is from eh black community while the criminal is a white caucasian male. The lead inspector in the show is seen to be a women who subverts all stereotypes towards women in the working field.
8) Write a paragraph applying a selection of our representation theories to the clip from Luther. Our summary of each theory may help you here:
Levi-Strauss - Her theory of ideology and representation is applicable in here in that it can be inferred that the producer wanted to portray the police in a ruthless but effective manner and that the police does the things that may not be agreeable or entirely right but that it may be necessary to get the job done. Mulvey's 'male gaze' may not be entirely applicable here as the scene is not set out to sexualise the characters in any way. Dyer's theory of power and stereotypes can be applied to making Luther stand out as a character specifically as violent and uncaring, very non-chalant feeling in his situation. Medhurst's theory of value judgements can be applied to all the characters in the scene as we can use the clothing of the characters to shorthand identify that they are all detectives or undercover police from the way that they speak and interact. Finally, Perkins theory of some stereotypes being good and true can be applied to Luther as we can say that as a man he has a lot of mental resilience to work in the police.


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