OSP: Influencers and celebrity culture
1) Media Magazine reading
Media Magazine 72 has a feature linking YouTube influencers to A Level media theories. Go to our Media Magazine archive, click on MM72 and scroll to page 60 to read the article ‘The theory of everything - using YouTubers to understand media theory’. Answer the following questions:
1) How has YouTube "democratised media creativity"?
It gives everyone an equal opportunity to become their own content creator and therefore become their own producers where the only way to know if you are successfull is through the opinions of others.
2) How does YouTube and social media culture act as a form of cultural imperialism or 'Americanisation'?
Due to the fact that majority of large social media sites such as youtube were founded in the US meaning the primary language of each site would be English, and when you factor in how many countries use English as a main language it factors into truly how americanised the internet has become.
3) How do influencers reinforce capitalist ideologies?
Majority, if not all large influencers nowadays are a clear cut example of capitalist ideoligies, This is shown by the use of advertisements to make increased profits from content creating. This is also an example of how something such as content creating, videogames for example, can be commodified by influencers, making as much money as possible.
4) How can YouTube and social media celebrity content be read as postmodern, an example of hyperreality?
Videos created nowadays can also showcase behind the scene action of what and how content creation is and how it works. This is an example of hyperreality as these videos which are portrayed as the real world can still be faked with setting and also overall behaviour.
5) What are the arguments for and against regulating online content such as YouTube?
Regulated content helps protect specific demographics, children for example, from being exposed to content not suitable for them, such as adult content or extreme violence. however you can also argue that regulated content may lead people to feeling less free about what they can and cannot see online, leading to backlash on how they feel like theyre not being looked after properly.
6) How can Hesmondhalgh and Curran & Seaton's ideas be linked to online media debates?
Ideas of both David Hesmondhalgh and Curran and Seaton that the cultural industries are driven by corporate power and the pursuit of profit.
7) How can Gauntlett's ideas around identity and audience be applied to YouTube and influencer content?
David Gauntlett asserts that online media encourages ordinary users to experiment with other personas, projecting identity as multiple and fluid. There are many and varied YouTubers to choose from, allowing audiences to see different ways of being and different points of view.
8) What is YOUR opinion on celebrity influencers? Are they a positive, democratic addition to the contemporary media landscape or a highly constructed product promoting hegemonic capitalist ideologies?
I personally believe it depends on the influencers overall profession and real world personality when determining if theyre a good addition for society, whether or not its all an act or they are genuine nice people.
2) How to build a social media brand: case study
Read this excellent case study on how to build a celebrity social media brand and answer the following questions:
1) What are the different ways celebrities manage their social media accounts? Give examples.
Celebrity social media management represents a sort of balancing act between marketers and their clients. Although celebrity accounts are almost always entertaining, there’s also the “business” aspect of anyone in show business. New releases. Tours. Events.
2) Why is 'voice' important in celebrity social media content and what examples are provided?
Much like a distinct brand voice helps companies stand out from the crowd, the same can be said for the tone and personality of a celebrity on social media celebrity social media management isn’t about who can be the funniest or post the craziest pictures.
3) What different goals may celebrities have for their social media accounts?
Most celebrities will hype up their upcoming appearances to build anticipation and get more eyes or ears on whatever they’re doing. Some celebrities work overtime to keep the hype train going. ability to go behind-the-scenes and get sneak peeks of their latest projects.
4) What types of content can be found from celebrity social media posts?
Slice of life, behind the scenes, celebrity snapshots, motivational/heart warming
5) How does social media allow influencers to interact with fans? Give examples.
Beyond likes and retweets, celebrities can drive engagement and interact with fans simply by asking questions.
3) Guardian article: Social media harming young people
Finally, read this Guardian article reporting that social media and celebrity culture is harming young people. Answer the following questions:
1) What did the YMCA's report suggest about social media content and celebrity culture?
62% of 15 to 16-year-olds felt that social media had ramped up expectations over their personal appearance. This suggests that social media is a large influence on a childs mentality when it comes to world culture.
2) What examples are provided of how this can have a damaging effect on young people?
Leading people to constantly feel bad about their body and looks.
3) What is YOUR opinion on this topic? Do you feel social media is dangerous to young people? Should age restrictions be enforced? Explain your answer.
I personally believe that social media should have higher age restrictions. Even with strong regulating its very easy to expose someone to harmful content, and therefore meaning there should be a minimum age limit so we wont have to worry about that issue.
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