Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Language & Representations


Read this review of Horizon Forbidden West in the Financial Times (should be non-paywalled but you can read the text of article here if needed). Answer the following questions:

1) Why does Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing'? 
Now just as it delivers an excellent sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, another phenomenon arrives on its heels to suck away all the oxygen, Elden Ring. Poor Guerrilla, a team of superb developers with a serious case of bad timing.
2) What is the narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn? 
Thousands of years after robots attacked all of humanity, humanity is separated into tribes and fight for survival.
3) How is the central character Aloy described? 
Gold with flame-haired heroine Aloy, who balances grit and tenderness as one of the most memorable new characters of its console generation
4) What is the narrative and setting for sequel Horizon Forbidden West?
Along the west coast of America with a new threat.
5) What does the review say about animation and graphics?
Eye-popping flex of PS5's muscles and that it is beautiful. The way the landscape, robots and the other characters are animated along with their facial expression, it is realistic.
6) What do we learn about the gameplay and activities in Horizon Forbidden West? 
Were given a third person satisfying combat system similar to the likes of the highly regarded God of war games.

Close textual analysis

Watch the trailer for Horizon Forbidden West:

Answer the following questions:

1) How is narrative, character and setting introduced in the trailer?
A voice over introduces and then introduces us to a woman fighting robots, establishing her as the main protagonist against the antagonists.
2) How is the game's open world / sandbox genre shown in the trailer? 
Through a showcase of the games numerous settings
3) What representations can you find in the trailer? 
With a female protagonist, its a great representation of female empowerment.

AQA recommends watching the following gameplay trailer in their CSP booklet:

Watch the gameplay video and answer the following questions:

1) How does the game use media language to communicate ideas about narrative and genre?
were given a main character which links to propps through the idea of character traits, levi strauss binary opposition through the different tribes and also the fight for peace which links to Todorov
2) What representations of people, places or groups can you find in the gameplay video?
The main representation of females and female empowerment through action and a lack of male gaze.
3) What audience pleasures are suggested by this gameplay trailer?
Diversion, personal identity, surveillance

Narrative and genre

Read this excellent Den of Geek article that addresses elements of narrative and genre. You can find the article text here if the link is blocked. Answer the following questions: 

1) Read the opening to the article. How can we apply Steve Neale's genre theory to Horizon Forbidden West?
The game sticks to a formula, repetition.
2) How many copies did the Horizon Zero Dawn sell and why did this influence the design of the sequel?
20 million, the success meant a sequel would be heavily desired.
3) How does the article criticise the story in Horizon Forbidden West? 
Too many character to manage that come from nowhere.
4) What do we learn about the gameplay? 
A hunting style system where you find robots and take them down.
5) What is the article's overall summary of the game?
Its an overall positive overview on the game suggesting that this being an open world sanbox esq game was the right move.


Race representations in Horizon Forbidden West

1) How does Horizon Forbidden West use narrative to create a fully diverse cast of characters?
Through the idea of tribes being dictated through gender and race.
2) What is orientalism? 
Racism towards the east side of the world from the west side.
3) How does the article suggest orientalism applies to Horizon Forbidden West? 
How Aloy being white depicts her through stereotyping as better than other races.
4) Who is the player encouraged to identify with in the game and how does this influence how representations are constructed?  
Aloy, influnces how the representation of her being female empowerment may not be as supported as they would like.
5) Finally, what did the writer of the article (an Asian American) feel when playing the game?
discriminated due to the orientalism

Gender and videogames

Focusing on Aloy and the representation of women in videogames, read this Forbes feature on the topic. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the debate regarding Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West? 
Whether or not shes attractive enough or not
2) What examples are provided of other female characters and representations in videogames?
Lara croft, Bayonetta and Genshin impact where they are all stereotypically wearing "skimpy" clothing that reveals alot more than it should.
3) What are the issues facing the videogame industry in terms of gender?  
The industry has become very male gaze orientated, meaning its normal for female characters to be sexualised by the developers and fanbases.


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